Collection: Saisonmiete & Teilzahlung Snow-Bodyboards


Möchtest du das Snow-Bodyboard mal ausprobieren?
Bist du dir nicht sicher welches Board das richtige für dich ist?
Willst du bei Bedarf auf ein anderes Modell umsteigen?
...dann haben wir genau das Richtige für dich!
Die Saisonmiete mit Boardwechsel ab 129.–
und nach drei Saisons gehört das Board dir.

  • Du mietest dein Snow-Bodyboard nach Wahl (und Verfügbarkeit) zum günstigen Saisonpreis.
  • Während der Saison kannst du einmal das Board wechseln und bezahlst den Differenzbetrag.
  • Wenn du das Board Ende Saison kaufst so rechnen wir den bezahlten Betrag an.
  • Wenn du die Miete um ein Jahr verlängerst, darfst du es bis zum nächsten Frühling behalten. Alternativ lagern wir es bei uns ein und machen gleich ein Check-Up.

Das Angebot ist limitiert, die Wunschfarbe kann nicht garantiert werden.


Which board is right for me?

Classic 130-X, Freeride 100-X, Freeride 180-X...
We will show you the features of the different models and help you make the right choice.
Basically, every board can be ridden in all conditions, but there are small and subtle differences.

  • Freeride 100-X

    The board for children, teenagers and the young at heart up to 1.60cm. The deepened middle offers a pleasant ride comfort

    Freeride 100-X 
  • Classic 130-X

    The classic all-rounder.
    Suitable for people from 1.60 to 1.80 cm. Ideal for groomed runs but also great fun in powder snow.

    Classic 130-X 
  • Freeride 180-X

    The freeride board for people over 1.80cm. The bulbous nose displaces the powder well. But it is also very easy to steer on slopes.

    Freeride 180-X 
  • Classic 130-X GP

    The pro board for highest demands. The fully glued profiles make the board even more robust. Popular with rental stations & racers.

    130-X GP 
1 of 4
  • Bodyboard destinations

    Especially in Switzerland, but also in Austria, as well as parts of southern Germany and France, there are numerous opportunities to explore thrilling sledding runs or enjoy a descent through deep snow, either with a guide or on your own.

    Our Destinations 
  • SUP courses and events

    On guided tours with a guide, you will learn the most important features of the Snow Bodyboard. However, even without instruction, this winter sport is very easy to learn. Most people get the hang of it in just 20 minutes.

    Our guided tours 
  • Saisonmiete & Teilzahlung

    Möchtest du das Bodyboard für eine Saison zu einem Top-Preis mieten? Dann haben wir dir das passende Angebot ab CHF 129.-

    Saisonmiete Bodyboard 
  • Bodyboard Rental

    Some Snow Bodyboard destinations offer on-site rentals. For your individual trips, you can also rent the air sled directly from us. We’ll ship the Snow Bodyboard to you within 1-2 days.

    Rent now 
  • Corporate and Group Events

    A special pleasure is freeriding down freshly snow-covered slopes. You enjoy the descent even more if you have made the climb under your own power with snowshoes. Once at the top, you swap your snowshoes for the airboard, and off you go!

    Book group event 
  • Bodyboard Manuals

    Our Snow Bodyboard Manual gives you an overview of our range as well as instructions for use and care. We have also provided you with various repair instructions.

    Bodyboard Manuals 
  • Product Registration & Isopin

    Since 2022, all snow bodyboards have an isopin . The QR code on the handle offers you services, instructions and product registration , where you benefit from a 3-year guarantee.

    Product Registration 
  • Tips and rules

    Here you will learn how to move safely on the bodyboard

    Tips & Rules 
  • Used bodyboards

    We are constantly selling used snow bodyboards. These boards come with a one-year guarantee.

    Used bodyboards